Clematis akoensis


Clematis akoensis is described in 1911 by Hayata in, J. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo. 30(1): 13. 1911.
Synonyms are Clematis dolichosepala Hayata; C. owatarii Hayata. While the clematis species has been known for over 100 years, it has only been visible in the hobby for a few years and is not available in the trade.

Even in the book of Magnus Johnson The Genus Clematis there is no discription of this Clematis. He describes Clematis owatarii but he does not mention the violet anthers. Also the description in Christopher Grey-Wilson differs from what we have now as plant.
Leaves: evergreen, dark green and sometimes marbled.
Flowers: white flowers 5-7 cm with violet anthers and rather strong scented.
Clematis akoensis is found in forest margins, sunny areas; near sea level to 800 m. in South of Taiwan and therefore this species is not hardy.

Growing Clematis akoensis

This Clematis is not hardy and must be kept in a pot in a lot of countries. Use good soil in the pot and give the plant enough water and fertilizer during Spring and Summer. During Winter give the plant less water otherwise you will loose the plant. I have the best experience with this species to place the plant outside in the garden in the shadow and not in a greenhouse.


The plant grows till about 3 meters high but by good pruning the plant can be kept on 2 meters. Good pruning gives a lot of stems and thereby a lot of flowers.


Clematis akoensis has flowers during Winter and early Spring depending of the circumstances during the Summer.

Take care

Give the plant enough water during Spring and Summer but during Winter less water but enough because the plant is evergreen. In Spring and Summer the plant needs fertilizer 10:30:20(N:P:K).


The plant must be pruned hard after flowering to get enough stems for the next year. Pruning is also nacessary to keep the plant in form and that you can handle the plant as potplant.


Clematis akoensis is hardy in zone > 8.

Clematis akoensis
Clematis akoensis
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